Reliability Engineering Industries (REI) believes passionately in training.
Training and knowledge is THE key to better performance, whether it is to improve your personal fitness/wellness or if it allows you to make better decisions in the workplace.
For example, understanding rotating equipment failure mechanisms and having the ability to conduct a root cause failure analysis, can save immense amounts of time and money finding a suitable rectifying solution.
In April 2023, Mr. G .Sudhakar, pictured above, conducted training with a number of operatives at a valued customer plant.
Sudhakar said, "Our clients really appreciate the practical hands-on and theoretical training, particularly on their site with their equipment".
Sudhakar continued, "this training makes such a difference to how they think and act, to improve the equipment reliability at their facility".
If you would like to hear more or organise operator/manager/engineer training at your premises, please do not hesitate to contact us.